OK, so Macy helped me get some 10107 pictures on my blog. When all was said and done, we posted them to Miss Macy's blog instead....about to give up.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Posted by gs at 10:13 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Alrighty then...Tiffani Lyn (retired leader of the kids) came out of retirement to make this "more precious than rubies" quilt. You may recall that everyone gave me a quilt block for my bday. Tiffani, with all her talent, made this for me and I couldn't be happier. (I thought I had these pictures in some sort of order but not so much....onward). Tara and Darren have the green block. There name, etc. has been stitched as have all their kids. I think pretty much every medium was used by these creative kids/gkids...see following...
Bill Steele painted a stylized paint brush w white tip. Tiffani sewed this in another direction but it looks fine w all the guesses made by people trying to figure out what he painted...i.e. red chile pepper, rocket; Christmas light, thing that could blow up the world. It's vintage Bill.
The whole presh thing (should be at the top of this post).
I took shots at different angles. Some got a little coverage and some got a lot. Below "The Beatles" which was the theme was created by Tiffani from a shirt Kami wore...more detailed than it looks...just love it. Lexi executed the pink one which has a paint dot in each flower and her name is embroidered on. Cooper is the cute hand print and spiderman details. Rylie is the corner right. It's red hearts and her name in puff paint...she writes well for a 2 something. Sydney wrote happy birthday to me and decorated w lots of dots....kewl.
This is a rerun which I would delete but I don't know how.
Posted by gs at 10:16 PM 5 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
Cowboys and Indians!
Posted by gs at 5:14 PM 4 comments
Posted by gs at 11:07 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
This is the 30 days our kids just can't get enough of...our anniversary, my bday, Bill's bday and Mother's day! HOLA! This year it's two biggies--our 40th anniversary and my 60th bday. Sat. April 12 was the huge 40th. Bill and I were going to leave for several hours in the day and end w a nice romantic meal. Around 5ish we stopped by our house to get something and viola I walked in to a fabulous surprise 60th bday party! (1st picture of me inside the door after I had a split second look). MAJOR WOW BEATLES FACTOR HERE. If you've got an hour read the next 3 blogs for the weekend of my life. (these silly blogs took me 9 hours to put together-------so much happened)! Yeah for team Peterson-Steele! Thanks kids oxoxox (que the music).... HUH? WHAT? YOU DID WHAT?
Tiffani erecting THE BEATLES WALL.
Posted by gs at 7:27 PM 5 comments
We played 'GG JEPORDY". A game devised by Darren, Tara and Logan (w thanks to Mads for creating the board). This game first became a huge hit when played at Bill's 60th, albeit w different categories. (the player must understand that any relationship between the cards and the category is purely coincidental). These were the categories: WAYS OPRAH HAS AFFECTED MOM'S LIFE; THINGS WE'RE PRETTY SURE WE SHOULDN'T SAY (but will anyway); WAYS WE'VE LOOKED RICH; ANNIVERSARIES ONLY MOM REMEMBERS; FAVORITE MEDICAL EMERGENCIES................any relationship between these categories and myself are non-existent but absolutely lol funny! (Tara is our own personal Vanna).* a side note to the public.......kudos to Darren for best use of a cord on an ancient mic---plugging it into his pants!
The kids then told me about the last two gifts. One that they had all made a quilt patch and Tiff (the gifted quilt maker) was going to make me a (much desired) quilt for my very own. It took my breath away! WOW!
Posted by gs at 4:56 PM 4 comments