So anyway Grandpa thinks he looks kinda cute half black.
The swelling is going down. The eye has a lot less blood in it and he is seeing things. Albeit he sees things double. He said, "Look there are two lamps". I replied, "Shall I turn one of them off?" He's thinking he can save big bucks.
Work with me on this one. In the outside world he wears his dark glasses so as not to scare the masses. However to be able to see in the grocery store or what he's eating, etc. he needs 2 pair. (Yes Burke, that really is a coconut chocolate chip cookie from Paradise).
Poor Grandpa!! Thanks for keeping us updated Gayle.
As long as he's smiling I can handle it. You look awesome Grandpa. You need to find a grandchild or great-grand to take you to show and tell.
Grandpa-you look so much better. I think the smile helps. Miss you guys!!
Gayle, we need an update on Grandpa's condition. Post more photos so we Utahns can reassure ourselves they'll come back to us.
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