If you start from the bottom up, it makes a little sense.

These are just some of the things you can do in Mesa.

so I have no idea how to put this in any order....

So Burke was having his 'normal' cataract surgery but it was taking twice as long as 2 weeks ago...oops! (Brynn, I need help please) They hit a blood vessel and you can see what happened. It doesn't hurt him, but he will scare little children.
Oh my word!! I hope he is okay!! It doesn't look fun at all. We hope that you feel better soon grandpa. We love you!! Ya know, they don't hit blood vessels up here in Utah. Hmmm, I guess there are just some things that only happen in Mesa! Just kidding!
I LOVE You, Daddy. It looks sooooooooo bad. I'm with Ashley. We take much better care of you here in Utah.
Oh Yea, well we win the entertainment factor in AZ. I need to update the new pictures.
Okay, that just looks awful! (Of course you are still handsome Grandpa Burke!) I am glad that he is not in pain because of it! Thanks for taking care of Gram & Grandpa Burke Gayle. You are awesome!
Oh Great!! We send you to AZ for a few months and look what they did to you Grandpa. Guess you should come back to us Utahns. I'm kidding. Hope things get better soon. We love you!!
Sorry Grandpa. I hope that you are at least feeling a little better from the surgery. We would love to come by and visit when you are feeling up to it. I'll call Gram. Love you The Scotts
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