Sunday, January 27, 2008

24 hour yakfest...

34 years ago a group of women started a monthly meeting called "mom's meetings". We helped, guided and sustained each other to the present. About 29 years ago we started having slumber parties/sleepovers/PJ nights/whatever and we still love it. Our shortest overniter just took place this past weekend. We got together @ 6 pm on Friday, 1-25-08 and except for a short night of sleeping, we talked until 1-26 @ 6pm.

We ordered in (1st time), kept drinking water and tried to eat as much chocolate and junk food as we did in our 20's....good try by all!

Men will die because what on earth could you talk about for that long and women will go..."cool". We didn't go anywhere. We stayed @ a members home and walked and talked and ate in the kitchen and family room for the entire time. No TV, no outdoors, no reading, no crafts, no men, no kids, just great conversation.

Mom always wanted us to maybe get some other groups going in the U.S. It wasn't too doable. We would come home tired in body but strong in mind and spirit. I highly recommend it.

---this just in: as of 4:38 pm Sunday nite, "the parents" are still breathing. Man, being in charge of people is a big time operation! They are pretty cute...and short.


Red said...

How fun! I know my Mom loved those Women's Weekends and always told us to start it and told our hubbys to let us do them. That is cool that is has gone on for so long!