Monday, January 21, 2008

We have a match!

My blog still isn't up but that's not because Brynn hasn't given it her all. What happened? 'THE PARENTS' came to town is what happened. Mom and Dad got here on Wed. 9-16 (same day Tanner went into the MTC).

Luckily, Carol came into the HBP side of the fam. She is the worker daughter/son mom never had...she is the energizer bunny. Carol thought of things to clean that made mother SMILE! I helped several hours on Wed. but come Thurs. Carol (the big guns) came over and started her 'clean every corner on the premises' mode. After several hours, we had to slap her up the side of the head to make her stop.

Mom will take Carol on as an apprentice and teach her how to wash the outside of bananas w soap. Carol seems excited to learn. (Just try to tell me that union isn't heaven sent).

Let's just say the projected move-in time went from 10 days down to 3. uh-huh*


Tim and Jennifer said...

This captures my mom perfectly. I know all to well firsthand here desire to clean.

The Quist Family said...

Gram probally couldn't be happier than she is now with a CLEAN condo thanks to you and Carol. Way to go girls!!

The Scotts said...

That is so funny! I wonder what Carol thinks of my house when she comes over? I bet she could find a million things to clean that I don't!

Thanks for having us over Friday. We had a ton of fun and can't wait to do it next month!! Love ya.